

vendor independent TinyML deep learning library, compiler and inference framework microcomputers and micro-controllers

View the Project on GitHub ai-techsystems/deepC

deepC on Arduino

Bring your own Model (BYOM)

  1. Train your machine learnig model.
  2. Convert it to onnx

deepC Compile to C++

Download and install deepC and run onnx2cpp command

% onnx2cpp <model>.onnx

Embed deepC model

Use setup and loop to include C++ file compiled by deepC

  1. setup()
  2. loop()
  3. Build on Arduino

Consult Arduino Reference to complete your application/sketch.


  1. Upload the sketch: Sketch -> Upload
  2. Open the Serial Monitor: Tools -> Serial Monitor

Run on Arduino


  1. Replace Eigen lib of deepC with Arduino port, in case you run into Eigen errors.


  1. Getting Started with Arduino products